The Secrets of Long-lasting High performing teams – Vivienne Parlier

The Secrets of Long-lasting High performing teams


„You should definitively have a high-performing team.“
„Your team should be cross-functional in order for it to be high-performing.“
„You can’t be agile without having a cross functional team.“ – Okay, okay! We get it!
But how can we build one? And moreover, can we create a Long-lasting high-performing team out of a regular team?

Oana & Vivienne have worked together with multiple teams along their careers as Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches and will share with you their key learning, as well as some hands-on tips on how you can create your own high-performing cross-functional team!
Are you ready? Let’s dive in then!

Learning Objectives:
The listeners will get some hands-on tips and tricks on how to build their own high performing cross-functional team.

Vivienne Parlier

Agile coach and trainer

Vivienne Parlier is Senior Transformation Coach at Who is Frank. She studied Information Technology with focus on computational linguistics and speech technology. After her studies she worked as a software engineer, scrum master and release train engineer / agile coach.

Her main area of expertise includes team coaching regarding their agile transition, establishing agile release trains and supporting people, especially scrum masters, product owners and product managers in getting to know their new role. This comes along with relevant trainings. Vivienne is experienced with various concepts and tools such as value streams mapping, lego serious play and liberating structures. She uses them profitable according to the situation and continuously expands her portfolio.

Oana Moraru

Scrum Master, Scrum Trainer & Agile Coach

Oana is passionately pursuing her Scrum Master, Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach career as a Freelancer. She is also the Frontwoman of the Cyber Pop Rock Band ARDENITE!
Becoming the best version of herself and inspiring others is something she’s constantly striving to achieve. And she will help you and your teams to do the same!

In the past 7 years, Oana gathered experience in all Scrum accountabilities, including Developer, Product Owner and Scrum Master. During that time, she helped multiple teams kick off or boost their way of working by using SCRUM. Using her contagious energy she inspires many others to follow their dreams!

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