Why Agile is the only way for teams – Stephanie Gasche

Why Agile is the only way for teams – Lessons from a sports team player


In the midst of the current buzz around agility, many employees and managers alike dismiss Agile methodologies as just another industry trend. However, Agile’s roots run deep, not only spanning three decades of evolution, but also applying the same aspects that sports teams use in order to win games. Having played semi-professional basketball in her teenage years and worked with Agile teams for over 12 years, Stephanie has identified 9 key parallels between Agile teams and sports teams. It is exactly this hands-on comparison that makes individuals and companies (especially those that have been forced into an Agile transition process without understanding its spirit and purpose) finally understand why Agile teams are better equipped to navigate today’s VUCA world. Whether you are just starting on your Agile journey or you are coaching your twentieth laggard organisation, this team analogy offers a fresh perspective that will make you go “aha”.

Stephanie Gasche

Originally from Austria, Stephanie has lived, studied and worked in Germany, France, California and the UK. With degrees in English, History and International Business Management, Stephanie’s out-of-the-box thinking and strong values led her to embrace the Agile movement in 2012. Since then, she has spread and scaled the Agile mindset and methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean Start-Up, Design Sprints or Design Thinking within multinational corporations and SMEs in the DACH region. Stephanie’s commitment extends beyond corporate environment, as she has founded two social impact start-ups and worked as an intercultural trainer aiding refugees in their integration into Austrian society. These valuable experiences seamlessly flow into her role as an independent Agile Consultant when coaching intercultural and internationally distributed teams.

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