Rise and fall of OKR – David Cuille

Rise and fall of OKR: How we scaled OKR framework from 500 people in 2 years to zero six months later


In 2021, when I joined Kapsch, OKR was being used by 3 agile teams within one department. We quickly changed our OKR Architecture to enable the ongoing „Spotify transformation“ and chapter leads. After this success, we started scaling, one department at the time the OKR framework until all 5 departments of the division were synced on the same OKR events. With the support of a strong OKR Master CoP, each team had a dedicated, trained OKR Master to support the execution of the transformation.

Within 2 years, we started expanding with teams from other divisions, to create end to end initiatives and again driving the transformation of the organization in a meaningful, bottom-up way. Strong of our successes, the Corporate change and transformation portfolio team contacted us and we together we expanded the OKR framework to the strategic transformation, adding new teams to train to the mindest, and gaining direct access to the board.

Unfortunately, OKR is more than the mere execution of strategy, and the impacts on mindset couldn’t be anticipated. We will share with you how some parts of the organization shifted back to „Management by objectives“; while others stoped using the framework, one department at a time, with the unofficial support of leadership.

To this date, no team is now using OKR, so we would like to share our lessons learned of successful growth and scaling, ans most of all, how not to repeat our mistakes. We will present to you the REAL MIRO boards we have used with the teams to moderate the different events, over the course of multiple cycles, so you can witness our learning curve, as well as the metric we’ve used to measure the transformation and teams satisfaction with the framework.

David Cuille

Agile Transformation Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and author of articles with over a decade of experience in Agile project delivery.
Now back to consulting after 3 years as “Guild lead” to lead the successive agile transformations of Kapsch-KapschBusinessCom now Cancom Austria, David learned to select the appropriate frameworks to respond to both context of the organization and maturity of the teams.
As OKR Master CoP lead, he formed, trained and lead a Team of 10+ OKR Masters to scale the execution of the strategy over 12+ Squads following holacracy principles, over a period of 2 years.

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